
Welcome to our blog

Do you want to make a successful blog, like this one for example?
Simly read this e-book! It'll guide step by step and tell you what to write to attract visitors and also earn money
Table of content
I. Introduction
II. How I started
III. Create your Blog
IV. What to write
V. Optimize your blog
VI. Drive traffic and visitor
VII. Integrating Adsense
VIII. About the author
Learn how to create a blog and make money online with Google on Googling Matters

The e-book at wordpress

Sunday, March 16, 2008

This is a gift from Wordpress, I easily (in one step) imported all the blog to word press.
Even images where imported.
You can see the wordpress blog at :

About the author

Omar Abid is a simple student at the small Tunisian Country but also an Internet entrepreneur since 2006.
Omar Abid who is a genius Programmer (although he’s only 17 year old), tried to make some success in the web business and finally succeeded in building successful websites and blogs.

Some Omar Abid sites:
Personal website of Omar Abid
A simple web based company
Omar Blog at Word press
Omar Blog at Blogger

You may want to check the online version of this e-book or download the latest update at:

Best integration of Adsense

How to make the best integration with Blogger

We’ll do like we have done with the Digg button.
The best position we’ll be in the right-top. Bottom can be less attractive and has less chance if the reader doesn’t complete reading the whole article.

Choice of colours

Take sometime to choice your colours. This is very important. It can be good to immerge your ads with the post content them. But also having a highlighted colour may attract more attention.
Take a look at to see how I have optimized colours.

Most paying Keywords

Don’t get interested, some sites will tell you that you can earn huge money if you use keywords.
That’s not true and good. Adsense will choice the best ads for your site so don’t abuse your blog with keywords: This won’t help you!

In the end

I wish you get your blog ready with Adsense and content. You’ll need several weeks so that your account generates earnings. Then when you accumulate 50 $, Google will send you a verification mail to check your location and after having 100 $. The check will arrive.
Deposing it at bank may take some days so be patient.

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Getting started with Adsense

You’ll first need to have some knowledge about Adsense. On the web you’ll find those words heavily used. Let’s explain them together.

Page Impressions
When somebody goes to your website and loads a page in their web browser, Google counts that as one “page impression”. In another meaning it’s the same as hit and not visits, because if a visitor loads a page many times this will be counted so! So basically a page impression is just how many of your pages were looked at by people.
Page CTR
CTR stands for “click through rate”. It’s expressed as a percentage of the page impressions that resulted in somebody clicking one of the Adsense ads. So, for example, if you had 1,000 page impressions, and those 1,000 page impressions resulted in 100 clicks on the ads, that is a 10% Page CTR
(100/1000 = 10%).
Page eCPM
eCPM stands for “effective cost per Millie”. “Millie” means thousand. CPM is what the old world of banner advertisements used in pricing their ads. If a site had a $10 CPM that meant that you as an advertiser would pay $10 for every 1,000 page impressions that your ad was shown on.
With Adsense, eCPM is telling you how much you are earning (or will earn), on average, for every 1,000 page impressions. If you have a $25 eCPM, that means you are earning (or will earn) $25 in clicks for every 1,000 page impressions on your site.
Google shows you this figure so you can get an idea of how much more they are paying you than a banner advertising network will pay you.
You won’t see the term EPC in your Google Adsense reports, but you’ll hear it a lot if you hang out on Adsense forums. EPC stands for “earnings per click”, and just means how much you earn for each click.
By default, all of your page impressions and clicks are dropped into one giant bucket. By default, you have no way of knowing how much each individual site earned (if you have multiple sites), or how much each individual page earned, etc. “Channels” are Google’s way of letting you break down your earnings into “sections” so you can analyze each website or each page independently to see where the money is coming from. Google only lets you have 200 channels, which is pretty lousy if you have a lot of sites or a very large site.
AdLinks (or Ad Units)
AdLinks, or Ad Units, are just another type of Adsense ad. The basic AdSense ad is a block of links with short descriptions that when a visitor clicks, you get paid. Ad Links are a little different. They show linked topics that are related to your page, and when people click on those they are then taken to a different page and presented with a list of ads. If they decide to click on one of those ads, you get paid. You can see what AdLinks look like by visiting Google’s “Ad Formats” page. It shows all of the available ad formats, including Ad Links:
Ad Filter
Sometimes Google might decide to show ads on your page that aren’t really related to your page content at all. When that happens, you have the option of going into your AdSense account and adding those sites to your Ad Filter.
Google will not show ads from any site that you put in your Ad Filter. Also, if your competitor’s ads show up on your pages, that’s another reason to use your Ad Filter.

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Creating an Adsense account

After making your blog, optimizing it and driving the necessary traffic we can apply for Adsense. Google (If you have done my steps) won’t refuse to create an account for you.
Redirect to and click apply

You’ll need to wait until Google sends to you and inform you that your request was accepted. If so, it will send you an e-mail to continue (or make) the sign up. Make sure you enter the right information, because changing them in the future will be some what hard (For security reasons).

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Integrating Adsense

This is the final step, it's earning money. So be careful!

Creating an Adsense account
Getting started with Adsense
Best integration with Adsense

Drive traffic and visitors

Before attending this step make sure you have 35 complete articles and you have optimized your blog as I mentioned in the previous chapter.
Then let’s go step by step. Make sure this part will need at least one month to be totally completed.

Make sure all search engines include your site

This is the first step. We don’t need to check out that web pages had been indexed but only that the search engine had accepted your link. After some days (let say 2 week) type your URL for example ‘’ and click the search button. If the search engine shows no result so you have to submit again your site.
Normally, Blogger automatically submit you to the 3 big search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN). Don’t care for the other search engines as they are just portals.

Be the first to submit your stories to Digg

Don’t wait until your visitors submit your story and Digg it! Digg your story yourself to encourage the others doing it.

Submit your site to sites like reedit

Plus of Digg there’s other sites, but forward only a small amount of traffic. But they are helpful like and You can submit your site to those sites

Submit to the majority of blog directories

Don’t forget to submit your blog where you can. (But don’t use paid submission because this won’t make you earn anything).
This is a list of Blog Directory:

This is a very long list; choose only some to send to.

Write post describing your blog at forums

Browse forums or web groups like Google Groups and make posts describing your forum. Try to use attractive titles and content to attract more visitors and make more clicks. But remember not to spam the forums. Try to find forums that accept ads.

Send e-mail to your friends

There’s no site that give e-mails for free, hehe. So you have to search them your self at forums, spaces... Try not to spam but friendly send an e-mail. This will help you also make a good number of visitors.

Use My-Space, Face book and other sites

Those sites receive huge number of visitors (millions per day). Make an account and friends and link your blog to your site page. People browsing your page may redirect to your site.
This will also improve your page rank.

Make at least 100 comments in the right way

Don’t spam when commenting so the blog master won’t delete your comment. Try to find what to say in relation with the post topic. Comment gives you plenty of traffic if they are on good blogs. There are blog that reward their commentator like

Write at wikipedia but don’t spam

Wikipedia receive million of visitors daily. But how to get from this one? Ok first do a search or a project and make a long article. Then create an account at Wikipedia. After that, post your search on Wikipedia. Create a link to your original site.
After some weeks Wikipedia will start forwarding traffic.

Hubpages is also useful

After making your blog and publishing your articles, take some of your time to repost them on Hubpages isn’t only for traffic but also we’ll share earning with you. So don’t forget to setup your AdSense account on it and activate it.

Make a small e-book

Exactly like I have done.
A small e-book where you write on it your experience about a field. Try to find where to put it, so people can download and read it. Make it in the PDF format, so there’s no problem with different platforms.

Buy a domain name

Domain name can be important, especially if your blog start to grow and make considerable earnings.
People sometimes prefer domain names for sub-domains sites.

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Addition of the digg button to blogger

Why did I make so much importance for Digg while I can include it with the
Add this social book marking button?

First Digg isn’t like other book marking site: Digg is the largest, most popular
and famous.

Second, the Digg button will allow you not only to submit your post but also to
increase the number of dugs so it will become more popular.

Now let me show you how to add this button. The idea is simple and if you
understand it you’ll be able to add any script or text you like.

Direct to the ‘Edit HTML’ page. Now check the ‘Expand widget templates’
checkbox. You’ll notice that the text become so long, don’t worry you don’t have
to understand it!

Now let’s make a search in this text. Search for
‘<p><data:post.body></data:post.body></p>’ then simply replace it with


<!--My Digg Button -->

</p><div style="float: right; margin-left: 10px;">

<script type="text/javascript"><br />digg_url = '<data:post.url/>';<br

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>




Save the template and get a look at your blog, the Digg button shows, no?

Permalink : Free traffic to your blog

First let’s explain what a Permalink is.
It’s a simple link that comes under each post and that allow the user to post an article in its blog containing a link that link to your blog.
This will drive free and easy traffic for your blog.
By another way, you give traffic for those sites or blog. Your blog will make a list of sites linking to you. So you can use this service in two ways. You can for example (as I’m doing in the Create a category named ‘Permalinking’ and post unlimited posts in it.
But try to link only for blogs which receive good and enough traffic so they can send to you from this small link. Like the Google Blog. If you posts 500 links, then you may receive 2,000 visitors in the first 5 days!
If you have setup the blog as I mentioned in the third chapter, then Permalink is working for you!

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Google Analytics : Analyse your visitors

This is another gift brought to you from Google. Google Analytics is the best (but need so much time to refresh its data).
What makes Google analytics the best?
This is a question that everyone must ask it. But first let’s know what an analytics application need to have to be in the right way with our needs.
1- Analyse our visitors (Platform, navigator, Java, Flash, language, countries and states, Internet connection)
2- Analyse how visitor behaves (Page Views/visit, Visit/visitor, Time on the website, depth of each visit)
3- Where people come from (Other sites, Search engines, Paid links, Keywords used)
4- Comparison between the past and the future (increase or decrease)
5- Goals (with this feature, you can know how much of you visitor had attended a sensible page on your site, a payment page fort example, and Google will calculate how much earnings you’ll make)
Google Analytics have all those features included, plus of a map to know where your visitors comes from and very animated tools made with Flash. So I recommend you to use Google Analytics.
But the question: If Adsense tell me how impression I made, what’s the aim of analyzing my traffic?
First, you can know where people come from and then the most interested people. You can make hypothesis because sometimes server don’t run in some countries.
Second, know you visitor features like browsers. For example if 95% of your visitors use Fire Fox so you have to test your site with Fire Fox and not with IE or Opera.
Third, you know how search engines drive traffic to you, what are the keywords that help you more traffic and let you know how people choose their keyword and how they write.
Forth, where interested people come from? For example if you are being for an ad service, and the traffic coming from this ad service don’t browse your site then you must be suspicious of this service perhaps it makes fraudulent clicks!
Fifth, comparing between past and present is so important. Google Analytics allow you to make a comparison between sites that drives traffic.
Is analyzing traffic important know for you?

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Add this social bookmarking button

The steps that we’ll take to install this tool don’t differ than what we have
done with the Digg button.

First we get the code of the tool from

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN -->

<div><a expr:href='";url=" +
data:post.url + "&amp;title=" + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Bookmark
using any bookmark manager!'><img src=''
width='160' height='24' style='border: 0px; padding: 0px' alt='AddThis Social
Bookmark Button' /></a></div>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END -->

As you see it’s necessary to register so you get your own code 

But registration isn’t too long so be patient. Follow the instruction until you
get the code and then let’s move on to the integration.

I think you have understand what we have did with the Digg button so add this

<div style='float:bottom; margin-left:10px;'>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN -->

<div><a expr:href='";url=" +
data:post.url + "&amp;title=" + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Bookmark
using any bookmark manager!'><img src=''
width='160' height='24' style='border: 0px; padding: 0px' alt='AddThis Social
Bookmark Button' /></a></div>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END -->


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Feed Burner you mustn’t miss it out!

Feed Burner is like a newsletter. It will burn your feed (your new posts) and send them to the subscribers.
How this is done?
You need to include a widget in your blog that let visitors subscribe. Then when you make new posts Feed Burner will send those posts by mail to subscribed visitors. Feed Burner is the best ever and the most customizable plus it’s free so don’t try to find other service any where.
Setup feed burner at:, after setting it up you’ll need just to add some widgets to your Blogger. You don’t have to copy the HTML code and to create new script widget in Blogger in order to integrate it, but simply feed burner can do this for you and will automatically add the widget to Blogger. In Word press this operation is not available. It’s Only for Blogger and type pad.
So we are lucky for being using Blogger.

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Think about Keywords when you write

First what are keywords?
Now let's suppose that you are making a search with Google. You search for article about "How to make money online with Adsense". You won't type "I want to make money online with adsense please help me»! That's sure. You'll type short expressive words "money adsense" and you Google it!
The two words that you typed are called keywords in this moment.
Google Search engine will search for pages that contain those Keywords.
The problem now will be: How Google or other search engines will know what your blog talk about or what keywords describe the best your blog?
Suppose you have an article titled "Make money online with your blog" and you want to include the keywords "money” and “online” in your article.
A search engine calculates words density on your article and with this method they extract the best keywords describing your post.
But be careful it will be bad to repeat the keyword so much, in this case the search engine will reject your content.
I have collected some useful sites to help you to check keywords density on your site; you may have a look at them.
Word Counter
Keyword Density and Prominence
Keyword density checker
Keywords counter

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Optimize your blog

There are 6 things that you must not miss out in your Blogger, let’s go one by one.

Thinking about Keywords
Feed Burner : Burn your feeds
Addition of the digg button
Add this social bookmarking button
Google analytics to analyze your visitors
Permalink : Free Traffic

What to write

This is the most important part: What to write?
Have you thought about this question before starting blogging or you was just blended with the words “earn money earn money”.
It’s important what you write, especially when thinking about traffic and earning. There are things that attract a huge numbers of visitors and make them addictive to your blog. And there are articles which will make them never return.
So you have to think about quality posts.
What do I mean?
There are two ways (different) of blogging.

The first: Fast building and aggressive posting:
You quickly build your blog, you don't care about the design and you put your ads on!
You start aggressive posting and you accumulate information from different sources on the net and you post many posts.
You add your posts to Digg, Reddit, Go Articles...
Result: People will access your blog, and read your first article. As your first article was bad made, they won't think of visiting other pages on this blog and will immediately exit the blog in short time (They won't spend even 1 minute in the blog)
You'll still have low traffic from Digg and Go articles and other sites
Google will still direct traffic to you.
People will also remember your blog and won't return it again if they search other things and topics.
Suppose you get 100 visitor per day, after 1 year 35'600 will know your blog and then won't return to it in later search. Then the traffic will decrease day by day.

The second: slow building but quality content
This will need you at least:
+ One week searching for a good template, installing it on your blog and configuring it as well with Google Adsense and other gadget like Feed Burner, digg…
+ You'll need to post for interesting original and high quality things. For example you are a programmer and you want to make a tutorial how to make your first program for beginners, then don't make it only on two words, or don't search the web and get other information with/ or without reading it. Try to make your own original tutorial. Try to make it appear good with your blog design. For example include special style for Code and special frame for picture. And also don't forget to include a source of the tutorial that users can download...
+ You must pay attention for your language and you grammatical errors and bad syntax. Good appearance will attract readers and make them love your site.
+ Your content must be effective; if you made a tutorial about something then it must be complete and correct. This will make readers more interested to see others tutorial on your blog.
Result: People will seek all your blog! Your page / visit will increase up to 50%! And this will give you a huge income as Google pay a small amount of money for Page Impression. You'll have a high PI, suppose you have only 50 visitors and each visitor load 25 page of 60 pages in total in the blog you'll then have1250 page impression! Google will give you more money on clicks. (The total that Google pay for a click with 100 impressions is quite less that the total for 300 impressions). This will even double your click pay.
By time (and this need very long time) you'll have visitors that return to your site, as they have a good idea about it and find it amazing! Other people will bookmark it in social book marking sites (but don't forget to include the widget!). Suppose a visitor that bookmarks a post in a social book marking site and this visitor have more than 500 friends and many relations. Then he'll share this post with them and.... at least 300 visitor will come to this bookmark. This can be imaginary for you that a person has 500 friends, ha-ha but in Gmail I have more than 15.000 contacts so it isn't for me ;)
Other Sources: There can be also other sources, like forums we’ll talk about those methods later. But don't forget only quality sites or blog are the winner. Because also people exchange links and even link to other sites and it may be YOUR site!

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Create your blog (Part VII)

Blogger make it easier for you!
You can easily add a page element and drug it in different position. As we didn’t setup the template yet let keep this task later and move on to ‘edit html’ the ‘font and colours’ and ‘pick new template’ are made especially for the classic templates.
The Edit HTML page should look like this image.

Before doing any thing on the code click on ‘Download Full Template’ and make a backup because you don’t know what will happen after all!
After downloading the template you should find in the Zip file an XML document, open it with WordPad for example and copy then paste (but delete all the code in the textbox) it.
Click on save template. If no error comes then you should pry your god because errors often occur when changing the template. If an error come so try to follow the instruction and read more about the template that you have chosen.
Even that all goes right you should receive this screen.

This is normal because widgets on the template are different from widgets on others templates, so your old widgets will be deleted!
Now you can view your blog (if all goes well).This is my blog with Minyx, as the template was Spanish so the content is too, this is an extra work that you have to do! In this case you’ll need some knowledge about XML or an XML editor that will help changing the template.

We’ll also see in the next part how to add widgets and optimize our looking.

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Create your blog (Part VI)

Now let’s move on to another important part of our blog ‘design’. Our blog must look well, so we need some time for this section…
Before starting let’s gather a nice template for our blog. You can make a Google search for this reason. The best site ever is but I think they have to review some template as there are some bugs, there’s also a good site for Blogger and word press it contains mixed but very helpful information. For this blog (how to success with blogging) I had chosen the mynix template as it sounds more beautiful.

After searching and choosing a template (make sure you see it live before downloading it). Let’s return to Blogger and click layout.
The first page should be this

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Create your blog (Part V)

We have some settings to change here. Let’s start with ‘who can comment’ and set it to anyone. Then move on to back links and choose ‘show’. Don’t forget to set Show word verification for comments to yes so automatic robots won’t spam your site. You can also receive notifications of comment if you wish to.

Now just leap to the site feed section and you should load this page.

We’ll set only one setting here ‘allow blog feeds’ change it to short. When reading your burned feed for example, readers can’t read the whole story and then they will direct to your blog. This will increase your traffic.

The next tab will offer as some facilities to blog and write with Blogger. You can blog in Blogger simply by sending an email to the specified email address.

Now let’s finish with the part permissions.

This page will allow you to add the blog authors if you wish to. Then you can have a shared blog with a friend and every one has its own account but Blogger can let you blog both. You can also restrict your blog viewers but this is not our aim, we want that every body see our blog.

Create your blog (Part IV)

Now let’s move on to ‘Publishing’, you should see this page.

This page will let you change your sub-domain or switch to a custom domain. I have never tried this step so I won’t say anything but still visiting the blog for the updates perhaps I’ll do it in later time.
Now click on ‘formatting’ and you should get this page.

The most important settings that we are going to arrange are: Show (choose 3 posts on the main page, I’ll explain you why I had chosen this number) and then select Show Link fields to yes.
Now let’s move on to an important part ‘commenting’.
Commenting will let visitors express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction about your article or also ask a question.
But there’s also people who want to get traffic so they try to spam your articles by heavily commenting and writing out-subject things.
The commenting page should look like this.

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Create your blog (Part III)

And here you have a blog where you can post tons of articles!

Now I’ll take you in a tour in the Blogger dashboard and show you the settings that will let you personalize your blog.
After Connecting to your Blogger the dashboard should look like this picture.
The dashboard will show you all your blog and will let you to manage (posts, settings and layout) or add a new post and also View your blog

Let’s start with the settings, choose your blog and click on settings.
You should see this page. This page as noticed will give you the basics settings. Let’s notice the most important.
* Title: Choose an attractive and an easy to remember title
* Description: Write a short very very descriptive paragraph that helps people know what your blog talking about.
* Add your blog to our listings: Select yes, this feature will drive some traffic for your blog.
* Let search engines find your blog: Blogger will automatically submit your content for search engines
* Show Email Post links: Visitors may send your posts to their friends; this setting will improve your popularity

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Create your blog (Part II)

You can create an account at Blogger using your e-mail but I prefer that you create a Google account as it contains many helpful services and then you can connect to Blogger with your Google account. After making a Google account, login right into Blogger and then you’ll be directed to the dashboard. Then simply click ‘add a blog’. Give a name for your blog, you can choose what ever you want. Then you need to find a sub domain. It may be hard to find the subdomain that you want as there’s many registered blogs at Blogger. So click ‘Check availability’ to make sure that the sub Domain exists.

It’s also possible to use a domain name with Blogger, but let’s save time and money for the moment.
The final part is to choose a template. I know that you won’t like any of them, but don’t worry their thousands of templates available at the net that we can download and upload to Blogger.
So choose any template for the moment.

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Create your blog (Part I)

So here we go, let’s start creating our blog. First I want to explain why I have chosen to start with Blogger and not with Word press for example.
First Blogger is very easy; your blog is ready in less than 3 minutes.
Second, if you decided after to change to Word press this will be easy to convert or to export your posts from Blogger to word press. Many blog engines offer this feature like Movable type and b2evo.
Third, it makes it easier for Adsense and other tricks to get in your blog.
First redirect to Blogger web site:

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How I started with Blogger

You can skip this chapter and jump to the next one if you aren’t interested to know how I started blogging.
Before blogging, I loved to create websites and web application (on PHP and ASP.NET). After some time I discovered with the help of a friend that I can make money with my site, the thing that I hadn’t ever dreamt of!
As a consequence I subscribed to Google Adsense that accepted my site and setup my account. From the moment I was able to add ads to my pages. I was also using Google Analytics (A special e-book for this one) and I had about 40 visitors per day that every one make 2.2 page views in overall. So I was making 88 page views per day. Day after Day, week after week and no click! What happen, in 1 month I get only 1 click that make me earn about 2 $! So I begin digging on the net searching why my earning is null. The very brilliant thing on the web was a ‘Blog’ and I quickly started making a blog. But this had no result! So I read, read, read, read tons of articles, I finished by huge posting and spamming my blog with other’s articles. But did this do a thing? Only 50 page views per day!!!
Or I’m seeing blogs that are making more than 45,000 page views!!!
Then, why my blog didn’t make traffic and money? At this moment, I stopped running from blog to blog and from site to site and I concentrated searching the Key of Success of those blogs. In a blog directory there’s 100 blog: 10 are making more than 45,000 page views; 10 are making more than 1,500 page views and the 80 other are making less than 250 page views. Why some blogs are successful while they don’t contain so much post, how they can drive traffic for their blog, what is the secret behind their blog????

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I think this introduction is quiet necessary, so you won’t make mistakes. The first thing that I want to say and to affirm is that blogging won’t replace work! A good blog can make even 500$ but what if the server goes down. I know that you may be fired from your job, but working is more secure that blogging. With blogging you can get or lose traffic in some days, so it isn’t a certified project. Plus you may read on the thousands but millions of articles talking about blogging. You can say that all those articles talk about huge money income in less than 3 months! This is not real. Only big sites like or will make million of dollars. Blogs will never!
I’m not pessimist but many people try to develop blogs thinking that they will make much money and after some days they get tired from leaping from site to site and from reading articles without having any result.
I come with this book to show that building a blog isn’t so easy and will take time and experience. Blogging will also need much time and effort. For that blog engine like offer you the possibility to share the work with other users.
This book will show you how to create a blog with Blogger, associate to it a personalized template and add services like Feed burner and digg buttons.
This will also show you how to submit your blog to blog directory and other tricks to increase your traffic.
If you decided to blog, this book will be so good for you. Don’t think that Blogger is a blog engine only for beginners, it’s sufficient to see some Blogger blogs that are making thousands of visitors per day to affirm that Blogger is a successful and popular blog engine. Plus Blogger will help you index better your blog in the Google search engine.
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How to success with blogging - Table of content

I. Introduction
II. How I started
III. Create your Blog
IV. What to write
V. Optimize your blog
VI. Drive traffic and visitor
VII. Integrating Adsense
VIII. About the author

A Blog-Book: A book into a blog!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Did this blog seem fantastic for you? Would you to make one like it? This blog will guide you step by step on how to make a complete blog but also earn money with it.

In realty this is an e-book that I’m writing, but I preferred also to publish it on the web, so I decided to blog it! So it isn’t articles detached one from other but related, so start reading one after the other so you won’t get lost

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