
Welcome to our blog

Do you want to make a successful blog, like this one for example?
Simly read this e-book! It'll guide step by step and tell you what to write to attract visitors and also earn money
Table of content
I. Introduction
II. How I started
III. Create your Blog
IV. What to write
V. Optimize your blog
VI. Drive traffic and visitor
VII. Integrating Adsense
VIII. About the author
Learn how to create a blog and make money online with Google on Googling Matters


Sunday, March 16, 2008

I think this introduction is quiet necessary, so you won’t make mistakes. The first thing that I want to say and to affirm is that blogging won’t replace work! A good blog can make even 500$ but what if the server goes down. I know that you may be fired from your job, but working is more secure that blogging. With blogging you can get or lose traffic in some days, so it isn’t a certified project. Plus you may read on the thousands but millions of articles talking about blogging. You can say that all those articles talk about huge money income in less than 3 months! This is not real. Only big sites like or will make million of dollars. Blogs will never!
I’m not pessimist but many people try to develop blogs thinking that they will make much money and after some days they get tired from leaping from site to site and from reading articles without having any result.
I come with this book to show that building a blog isn’t so easy and will take time and experience. Blogging will also need much time and effort. For that blog engine like offer you the possibility to share the work with other users.
This book will show you how to create a blog with Blogger, associate to it a personalized template and add services like Feed burner and digg buttons.
This will also show you how to submit your blog to blog directory and other tricks to increase your traffic.
If you decided to blog, this book will be so good for you. Don’t think that Blogger is a blog engine only for beginners, it’s sufficient to see some Blogger blogs that are making thousands of visitors per day to affirm that Blogger is a successful and popular blog engine. Plus Blogger will help you index better your blog in the Google search engine.
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