
Welcome to our blog

Do you want to make a successful blog, like this one for example?
Simly read this e-book! It'll guide step by step and tell you what to write to attract visitors and also earn money
Table of content
I. Introduction
II. How I started
III. Create your Blog
IV. What to write
V. Optimize your blog
VI. Drive traffic and visitor
VII. Integrating Adsense
VIII. About the author
Learn how to create a blog and make money online with Google on Googling Matters

A Blog-Book: A book into a blog!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Did this blog seem fantastic for you? Would you to make one like it? This blog will guide you step by step on how to make a complete blog but also earn money with it.

In realty this is an e-book that I’m writing, but I preferred also to publish it on the web, so I decided to blog it! So it isn’t articles detached one from other but related, so start reading one after the other so you won’t get lost


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