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Table of content
I. Introduction
II. How I started
III. Create your Blog
IV. What to write
V. Optimize your blog
VI. Drive traffic and visitor
VII. Integrating Adsense
VIII. About the author
Learn how to create a blog and make money online with Google on Googling Matters

Add this social bookmarking button

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The steps that we’ll take to install this tool don’t differ than what we have
done with the Digg button.

First we get the code of the tool from

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN -->

<div><a expr:href='";url=" +
data:post.url + "&amp;title=" + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Bookmark
using any bookmark manager!'><img src=''
width='160' height='24' style='border: 0px; padding: 0px' alt='AddThis Social
Bookmark Button' /></a></div>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END -->

As you see it’s necessary to register so you get your own code 

But registration isn’t too long so be patient. Follow the instruction until you
get the code and then let’s move on to the integration.

I think you have understand what we have did with the Digg button so add this

<div style='float:bottom; margin-left:10px;'>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button BEGIN -->

<div><a expr:href='";url=" +
data:post.url + "&amp;title=" + data:post.title' target='_blank' title='Bookmark
using any bookmark manager!'><img src=''
width='160' height='24' style='border: 0px; padding: 0px' alt='AddThis Social
Bookmark Button' /></a></div>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Post Button END -->


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