Have you thought about this question before starting blogging or you was just blended with the words “earn money earn money”.
It’s important what you write, especially when thinking about traffic and earning. There are things that attract a huge numbers of visitors and make them addictive to your blog. And there are articles which will make them never return.
So you have to think about quality posts.
What do I mean?
There are two ways (different) of blogging.
The first: Fast building and aggressive posting:
You quickly build your blog, you don't care about the design and you put your ads on!
You start aggressive posting and you accumulate information from different sources on the net and you post many posts.
You add your posts to Digg, Reddit, Go Articles...
Result: People will access your blog, and read your first article. As your first article was bad made, they won't think of visiting other pages on this blog and will immediately exit the blog in short time (They won't spend even 1 minute in the blog)
You'll still have low traffic from Digg and Go articles and other sites
Google will still direct traffic to you.
People will also remember your blog and won't return it again if they search other things and topics.
Suppose you get 100 visitor per day, after 1 year 35'600 will know your blog and then won't return to it in later search. Then the traffic will decrease day by day.
The second: slow building but quality content
This will need you at least:
+ One week searching for a good template, installing it on your blog and configuring it as well with Google Adsense and other gadget like Feed Burner, digg…
+ You'll need to post for interesting original and high quality things. For example you are a programmer and you want to make a tutorial how to make your first program for beginners, then don't make it only on two words, or don't search the web and get other information with/ or without reading it. Try to make your own original tutorial. Try to make it appear good with your blog design. For example include special style for Code and special frame for picture. And also don't forget to include a source of the tutorial that users can download...
+ You must pay attention for your language and you grammatical errors and bad syntax. Good appearance will attract readers and make them love your site.
+ Your content must be effective; if you made a tutorial about something then it must be complete and correct. This will make readers more interested to see others tutorial on your blog.
Result: People will seek all your blog! Your page / visit will increase up to 50%! And this will give you a huge income as Google pay a small amount of money for Page Impression. You'll have a high PI, suppose you have only 50 visitors and each visitor load 25 page of 60 pages in total in the blog you'll then have1250 page impression! Google will give you more money on clicks. (The total that Google pay for a click with 100 impressions is quite less that the total for 300 impressions). This will even double your click pay.
By time (and this need very long time) you'll have visitors that return to your site, as they have a good idea about it and find it amazing! Other people will bookmark it in social book marking sites (but don't forget to include the widget!). Suppose a visitor that bookmarks a post in a social book marking site and this visitor have more than 500 friends and many relations. Then he'll share this post with them and.... at least 300 visitor will come to this bookmark. This can be imaginary for you that a person has 500 friends, ha-ha but in Gmail I have more than 15.000 contacts so it isn't for me ;)
Other Sources: There can be also other sources, like forums we’ll talk about those methods later. But don't forget only quality sites or blog are the winner. Because also people exchange links and even link to other sites and it may be YOUR site!
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