What makes Google analytics the best?
This is a question that everyone must ask it. But first let’s know what an analytics application need to have to be in the right way with our needs.
1- Analyse our visitors (Platform, navigator, Java, Flash, language, countries and states, Internet connection)
2- Analyse how visitor behaves (Page Views/visit, Visit/visitor, Time on the website, depth of each visit)
3- Where people come from (Other sites, Search engines, Paid links, Keywords used)
4- Comparison between the past and the future (increase or decrease)
5- Goals (with this feature, you can know how much of you visitor had attended a sensible page on your site, a payment page fort example, and Google will calculate how much earnings you’ll make)
Google Analytics have all those features included, plus of a map to know where your visitors comes from and very animated tools made with Flash. So I recommend you to use Google Analytics.
But the question: If Adsense tell me how impression I made, what’s the aim of analyzing my traffic?
First, you can know where people come from and then the most interested people. You can make hypothesis because sometimes server don’t run in some countries.
Second, know you visitor features like browsers. For example if 95% of your visitors use Fire Fox so you have to test your site with Fire Fox and not with IE or Opera.
Third, you know how search engines drive traffic to you, what are the keywords that help you more traffic and let you know how people choose their keyword and how they write.
Forth, where interested people come from? For example if you are being for an ad service, and the traffic coming from this ad service don’t browse your site then you must be suspicious of this service perhaps it makes fraudulent clicks!
Fifth, comparing between past and present is so important. Google Analytics allow you to make a comparison between sites that drives traffic.
Is analyzing traffic important know for you?
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